Cafe LA provides. How can we help?

Other Services

Events and Parties

Planning an event or party and need a venue?

Let us know and we can help you plan or figure out if we are the right space for you!


Example Event (例)

Yes, I'm interested

Food/Drink catering and Beverage Service

Every catering event will be custom for you so we can plan together whether you want a coffee cart or a bar cart, or whatever cart you want!

ケータリングを考えていますか? コーヒーカートやバーカートもできます!マーケット、結婚式、ホームパーティーなど、いろいろできます!

Example Event (例)

I'm interested

BYO Beans

Bring Your Own Beans for 50%off!

Have some beans you bought somewhere else and want to try it as a pourover or espresso?
We have a grinder specifically for special beans like that and an espresso machine that can properly pull shots using light-dark roast. iykyk

No need to let us know you are bringing them! but if you do have any questions, feel free to contact us!


Business Consulting and Produce

Are you a foreigner interested in opening a business in Japan?
Such as a bar, cafe, coffee shop, restaurant?

We can help you with that through business consulting or more hands-on producing.

There are many people who want to start a business in Japan and this service is to help support those dreams.

I'm interested